Comments on: If You’re Not Black, Don’t Use the N-Word Thu, 03 Feb 2022 00:09:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: sdfsdf Fri, 28 May 2021 04:01:57 +0000 I almost feel as if someone stole the thoughts in my head below in this comments section. I have echoed those very thoughts in a YouTube comments section under the name x6, but with less literal definitions than P. Randolph brought up.

I’d have to agree with the people below me, but… how do I express these views without being embarrassed? I’ve tried once. (that was before I had actual arguments that made sense)

By: Elsieee Mon, 24 May 2021 20:29:53 +0000 Wait but can you say it if you have black family and black generaion?

By: P. Randolph Sat, 27 Jun 2020 15:40:08 +0000 Hello Ritu… I agree with what you stand for. Systemic racism and prejudice against blacks – and all types of people – needs to be corrected. The one issue here that strikes me as illogical is the concept that blacks may use the n-word freely in public (especially in the media), while it’s offensive if any other racial group uses the term, even in the context of a quote. I agree the word should be avoided in a pejorative context, as should all discriminatory terms against race, religion, sexuality, and states of mentality. However if use of the n-word is acceptable for black performers, and it is used publicly in music and comedy, and by black celebrities (such as Obama, Oprah, and Dave Chapelle), then it should be acceptable for anyone to quote anything people sing or say in a public forum. This should be considered as an acceptable and respectful context for use of the n-word.

The problem with allowing only black people to use the n-word is, this creates a double standard. Double standards are prejudicial by definition.

"If correctly identified, a double standard is viewed negatively as it usually indicates the presence of hypocritical, biased and/ or unfair attitudes leading to unjust behaviors." – Wikipedia.

An exclusive right to use the n-word in our common language creates a situation of "us and them". Or "birds of a feather flock together". It emphasizes our racial differences rather than our similarities. Is this not a major component of racism?

Here are 2 examples of how this double standard of n-word usage causes problems, and may even incite racist sentiment against black people… 1) A black rapper invited a white girl to come up on stage to sing along. The n-word was in the lyrics of the song, and the girl sang the lyrics as they were recorded. The audience booed her, and the rapper shamed her on the mic for quoting the forbidden word. 2) There are reports from non-black parents that their kids were beat up at school for singing lyrics by a rapper which included the n-word. These situations are not helping the cause of equality among peoples. They are a cause of racial division, and inspire sentiments of "us and them".

I would suggest that if we’re going to bury the n-word, then let’s all agree to bury the word, because it is historically offensive. I think many people of all races would agree with this. Why don’t we push for changes in censorship law to disallow the n-word from all public media?

Thanks for the great article,
P. Randolph

By: YC Thu, 11 Jun 2020 15:51:28 +0000 Sorry, but I strongly disagree with the "reclaim the word argument" . If blacks want to be treated as equals they shouldn’t be allowed to use the word in public. If they want to keep the word then we whites, or any other race should be allowed to use it too.

It works both ways. They can call use crackers, or rednecks – I don’t care, but if they do I should be allowed to use the n word too. Personally I don’t use it. I think people like the one in the video are the cause of racial divisions. I agree with Tyler E.

By: Big Chungus Sun, 17 May 2020 20:39:48 +0000 In reply to Tyler E..

Bro what… Did your really just bring RACISM into this??? Black people were tortured for centuries with this word, not you Tyler. Im pretty sure your anything from black judging from this comment, as you don’t understand how cruel and blood soaking the history behind this word is… Search up the definition of racism before trying to speak on it… People USED this word to be racists TOWARDS black people, so sorry Tyler, but I think we can give one word to black people. ugh.

By: Tyler E. Wed, 06 May 2020 02:41:00 +0000 I want to do this in a very kind way, but I totally disagree with your perspective. Sure, African Americans have been "tortured" with the word for centuries, but that does not mean that they have the clearance to use it when no one else can. Technically this is a form of racism, because when you allow someone to do something only because they are a certain race, that is racism. Which leads me to my next argument. How are we supposed to have total equality if we are still allowing division among communities? Racism, no matter who does it, is not acceptable. That is why I am saying this: either everyone has the right to say the n word, or no one can say it at all. Period.
