Comments on: Your Struggles Donโ€™t Define You โ€” But How You Deal with Them Does Wed, 10 Aug 2022 16:10:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dan Dolderman Tue, 28 Apr 2020 21:34:06 +0000 This is great! I deeply appreciate your personal tone and how much you do give people the authentic you, instead of crafting a public persona that you think is marketable. Your real-ness is refreshing and inspiring.

And I completely agree with you — "sharing our suffering with others opens the door to receiving the love, support, guidance and safety we need to help us heal". So true. And Viktor Frankl is awesome. Man’s Search for Meaning is a must-read for every human, in my opinion. Non-humans probably too, if they know how to read! hahaha

Thanks for sharing your insights. ๐Ÿ™‚
