entrepreneur Archives - Ritu Bhasin https://ritubhasin.com/blog/tag/entrepreneur/ Mon, 07 Feb 2022 17:20:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://ritubhasin.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/RB_Favicon-Sugar-Plum-100x100.png entrepreneur Archives - Ritu Bhasin https://ritubhasin.com/blog/tag/entrepreneur/ 32 32 Want to be an Entrepreneur? Ask Yourself These 7 Questions https://ritubhasin.com/blog/want-to-be-an-entrepreneur/ Sun, 31 Jan 2021 14:00:00 +0000 https://ritu.piknikmarketing.co/2021/01/31/want-to-be-an-entrepreneur/ When I was first starting out in my career, I didn’t believe that I was meant to be an entrepreneur. I thought that running a successful business required something special or rare, and I assumed I didn’t have it.

The post Want to be an Entrepreneur? Ask Yourself These 7 Questions appeared first on Ritu Bhasin.

When I was first starting out in my career, I didn’t believe that I was meant to be an entrepreneur. I thought that running a successful business required something special or rare, and I assumed I didn’t have it.

Having internalized the idea early on that in order to have a stable career, I needed to be an employee, I told myself that entrepreneurship wasn’t for me and that I didn’t have what it takes. I thought I would be an employee for life.

Fast forward to several years into my corporate career, and I had begun to feel disconnected from my work life. I knew that I had to make a career change, and so ten years into my career as an employee, I pursued an executive MBA, which meant working full-time and going to school full-time for 15 months. It was hell on earth (I literally had no social life), but it was during this time that I realized I actually had an innate entrepreneurial spirit.

Looking back, it’s obvious that I’d been developing an entrepreneurial spirit from a very young age. As a young child, I had a lemonade stand at the end of my driveway, where I’d sell the homemade beverage (I opened those cans of frozen lemonade concentrate myself!) to passersby. At 9, I got a paper route, and at 10, I was putting on magic shows for neighborhood kids.

I vividly remember doing the mental calculation that if I charged each kid 25 cents to see the show and gave them each a popsicle that cost me 5 cents, I’d pocket 20 cents per kid. Essentially, I was doing a net profit calculation as a 10-year-old.

A short-lived lawn mowing business followed, then a prolific stint as a babysitter (during which I managed to save and invest $1,000 from the ages of 11 to 13 from my $4/hour wage), and later, a gig doing entertainment for kids’ birthday parties.

Despite the negative narratives I was telling myself, my behavior as a youngster reflected that I was creative in developing ideas, industrious about executing them, and courageous about failing. I became really good at selling myself and my products and at building relationships with people — all of which are components of a successful entrepreneur! And in fact, I now realize that the same qualities I developed in my childhood ventures are the ones that have helped me become successful as a business owner.

Fast forward to today, and I’ve been running a successful consulting firm rooted in inclusion, which is my life’s passion and purpose, for almost ten years. It was a long road to get here, and those negative narratives, self-doubt, and fear held me back from doing it sooner. I’m so grateful that I was finally able to see that I embody the characteristics of an entrepreneur.

If you’re someone who wants to be an entrepreneur — whether that means launching a business, a side hustle, or becoming an innovative leader in any work that you undertake — there are three things you need to do and a handful of questions that it’s key to answer.

1. Reflect on your potential

  • Looking back on your life, what experiences signal that you have an entrepreneurial spirit?
  • What are you doing today that might signal that you’re already an entrepreneur? For example, what ideas are you developing and executing in your work and life?

2. Delve into the narratives you believe about yourself

  • Where did you get the idea that you do or don’t have what it takes to run a business?
  • What do you tell yourself about yourself that’s holding you back? (And if you struggle with negative narratives, you can learn more about how to interrupt them in chapter 7 of my book, The Authenticity Principle!)

3. Cultivate self-belief

  • Did the exercises above uncover any misconceptions about your ability to be an entrepreneur? If so, how can you reframe the way you are viewing your abilities?
  • How might the qualities you already have help you as an entrepreneur?
  • What qualities do you need to develop further?

Working for myself, I’m happier now than I’ve ever been. Among the benefits of being an entrepreneur is the ability to custom-build a career around who you truly are — one that allows you to feel freer in your life and anchor to your personal values. And you can get there too!

The first step is to look at the barriers in your way, especially the ones you yourself have put up and have the power to change. I encourage you to reflect and unlock your inner entrepreneur!

The post Want to be an Entrepreneur? Ask Yourself These 7 Questions appeared first on Ritu Bhasin.

How to Become an Entrepreneur https://ritubhasin.com/blog/how-to-become-an-entrepreneur/ Thu, 14 May 2020 13:00:00 +0000 https://ritu.piknikmarketing.co/2020/05/14/how-to-become-an-entrepreneur/ As a youngster, despite the negative narratives I was telling myself, my behavior reflected that I was creative in developing ideas, industrious about executing them, and courageous about failing. I was also really good at marketing and selling myself and my products, and at building relationships with people. And all of these components are needed to be successful as an entrepreneur.

The post How to Become an Entrepreneur appeared first on Ritu Bhasin.


Like many, I grew up believing that in order to have a stable career, I needed to be an employee.

I was taught from a young age that having a job was far more secure than running a business. As immigrants to Canada, my parents had worked hard to get secure jobs, which enabled them to provide for us and give us opportunities, and I internalized the message that I should do the same, even though I always had an entrepreneurial streak — even as a young child.

Many of us don’t view ourselves as entrepreneurs, so the thought of starting our business fills us with fear and apprehension. We’re afraid that we don’t know what we’re doing and that we won’t be able to build a successful career. We’re afraid that we lack the skills to build a successful business and career and to build a steady stream of income.

But as someone who has now been running a business for over ten years, I can tell you that you likely have many of the skills you need to be an entrepreneur — it’s that fear is holding you back!

In this video, I share an exercise that will help you to reveal that you have the skills to be an entrepreneur. I hope it will help you realize that your entrepreneurial spirit has been there all along — you just need to embrace it!

Watch now!

The post How to Become an Entrepreneur appeared first on Ritu Bhasin.
