cultural identity Archives - Ritu Bhasin Wed, 10 Aug 2022 13:27:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cultural identity Archives - Ritu Bhasin 32 32 It Can Be a Struggle to Understand Your Cultural Identity Sat, 09 Jul 2022 13:10:00 +0000 Growing up, I often struggled with feeling like I belonged. One of the main reasons for this is that I felt like I had to pick one cultural identity and I wasn’t sure which one to choose.

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Growing up, I often struggled with feeling like I belonged. One of the main reasons for this is that I felt like I had to pick one cultural identity and I wasn’t sure which one to choose. At school, I endured relentless racist bullying and so I didn’t feel particularly Canadian, but then I also struggled with many aspects of Indian culture.

It took me years to land on how to describe who I am culturally, and I learned some important lessons along the way!

In this #ShineWithRitu video, I share both how I’ve come to see myself culturally and why it’s important to move away from a binary way of thinking about our identities, all so that we can experience true belonging.

Watch now!

Learn more about living authentically with the Three Selves Framework here.

Download the first chapter of my book The Authenticity Principle to learn more.

The post It Can Be a Struggle to Understand Your Cultural Identity appeared first on Ritu Bhasin.

My Culture is Not a Costume — Interrupt Racism During Halloween Sun, 24 Oct 2021 10:00:00 +0000 Halloween is coming up soon, and ever the social justice warrior, I wanted to draw attention to how people continue to wear racist Halloween costumes and get away with it.

The post My Culture is Not a Costume — Interrupt Racism During Halloween appeared first on Ritu Bhasin.

Halloween is coming up soon, and ever the social justice warrior, I wanted to draw attention to something I find particularly upsetting at this time of year — how people continue to wear racist Halloween costumes and get away with it.

While it may seem that racially insensitive Halloween costumes aren’t that big a deal in comparison to, say, police brutality, it’s critical that we call out the full range of racial micro-aggressions and other manifestations of white supremacy. And this is why I wanted to address racist Halloween costumes, as it comes up every year without fail.

Whether it’s parents dressing their children in costumes based on outdated (i.e. racist) Disney characters or adults wearing costumes based on cultural stereotypes — like belly dancers or ninjas — it is a form of cultural appropriation and racism to dress up in other people’s cultural dress.

Cultural Appropriation on Halloween

Cultural appropriation occurs when an individual or group of individuals — typically from a dominant cultural group (for example, white people or heterosexual people) — adopt the customs, practices, ideas, or other elements of culture from another — typically disadvantaged or oppressed — group (for example, Indigenous peoples or members of the LGBTQ communities) in an insensitive, inappropriate, or unacknowledged manner.

To quote journalist Chelsea Candelerio, cultural appropriation occurs when “a person or group takes a group or a culture’s ideas, customs, or styles without acknowledgment or proper credit, sometimes even exploiting it for profit.” (Read her detailed article about cultural appropriation here.)

Cultural appropriation isn’t just limited to Halloween costumes — it shows up in myriad other ways, from “borrowing” or copying slang, fashion, and beauty ideas from historically oppressed groups, often without ever acknowledging the original influence, to what is happening in the wellness industry with yoga in particular.

So while a rapper or Pocahontas costume might feel fun, they’re actually highly problematic, and it’s important that white people in particular develop an equity lens in understanding why this is the case, rather than falling prey to white fragility.

So what can you do to ensure that you aren’t trivializing someone else’s culture or playing on the stereotypes of marginalized communities with your Halloween costume? First, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Does this costume include culturally significant clothing, head coverings, jewellery, symbols or artifacts, tattoos and body markings, etc. from a culture that isn’t my own?
  2. Does this costume involve painting your face black or brown (i.e. depictions of blackface)?
  3. Could this costume be seen as insensitive or mocking towards marginalized groups? This includes people of color, Indigenous peoples, religious minorities, members of LGBTQ+ communities, people with disabilities, and more.
  4. Is this costume based on cultural stereotypes?

And finally, if you’re already preparing an argument about how your costume is about cultural appreciation and not cultural appropriation, I highly recommend that you come up with another idea.

Nobody’s culture is a costume. We need to do better this Halloween.

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Confused About Your Cultural Identity? Here’s What You Can Do Thu, 18 Jun 2020 14:45:23 +0000 For many years, I felt lost, confused, and trapped between cultures. Then I changed the way I think about my identity and about what it means to find belonging.

The post Confused About Your Cultural Identity? Here’s What You Can Do appeared first on Ritu Bhasin.


When I was a little kid, the Toronto neighborhood I lived in was very multicultural. My neighbors included people from across a range of cultures, as well as lots of other South Asian families. It felt safe and comfortable. It felt like home.

But then my parents decided to move.

In my new neighborhood I stood out, but not in a good way. I was surrounded by affluent white kids, who weren’t used to cultural diversity. Let’s just say that my long black braids, dark brown skin, simple clothes, and chicken curry lunches were not well embraced.

I endured a truckload of racist bullying, which caused me to want to reject my cultural heritage. And unfortunately, this was in tandem with the challenges I was having on the home front with my parents in reconciling the clash between my Canadian identity and my Punjabi identity.

I felt lost, confused, and trapped between cultures — what I call my “ethnic identity crisis” — like I didn’t belong anywhere. This experience continued for many years until I changed the way I think about my identity and about what it means to find belonging.

In this video, I talk about my challenges with my ethnic identity and what led me to find peace in who I am.

Watch now!

The post Confused About Your Cultural Identity? Here’s What You Can Do appeared first on Ritu Bhasin.
