bias Archives - Ritu Bhasin Wed, 10 Aug 2022 16:10:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 bias Archives - Ritu Bhasin 32 32 What’s it Like to Come from a Culture that Wears Religious Head Coverings? Sat, 09 Apr 2022 09:00:00 +0000 Growing up, I knew that we were different from the other families in my neighborhood. As Sikhs (that’s the name of my faith — it’s pronounced Si-ckh and not Seek), we stood out because my father wore a bright red turban to cover his unshorn hair and my mother would sometimes wear a scarf to cover hers.

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Growing up, I knew that we were different from the other families in my neighborhood. As Sikhs (that’s the name of my faith — it’s pronounced Si-ckh and not Seek), we stood out because my father wore a bright red turban to cover his unshorn hair and my mother would sometimes wear a scarf to cover hers.

From constantly being stared at to being asked strange questions (e.g. Do you wash your hair with milk?) to often hearing overtly racist remarks, sometimes it was really hard to withstand the experience of being made to feel so different.

As an adult, being on receiving end of this type of behavior has lessened, however I’ve noticed the biases related to coming from a faith that wears religious head coverings continue on — beliefs like people thinking that Sikhs are oppressed, fanatical, and conservative. And as I share this about people from my faith, I know that the same biased, ignorant beliefs are held about people who are Muslim and Jewish.

In this video, I set the record straight by explaining (a) that wearing religious head coverings is a choice and (b) why it takes tremendous resilience, courage, and strength to do this in a society that judges us for it. Let’s reframe our thinking going forward!

Watch now!

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How I Claim Physical Space as a Woman of Color Sun, 19 Jul 2020 13:00:00 +0000 As a woman of color, I’ve often been forced to think about how I claim physical space in my professional life.

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Over the last few months, I’ve been teaching about how to be an inclusive leader during this time of crisis and about how to thrive personally and professionally while working remotely, especially if you’re a diverse professional.

So recently, when a client asked me for advice on how a leader should physically position themselves to facilitate more inclusive meetings, the answer quickly flowed out of me, because body language and body positioning is something I often think and teach about in the context of career advancement.

As a woman of color, I’ve often been forced to think about how I claim physical space in my professional life. I’ve become an expert on it — not just because I teach leadership for a living, but because in order to be seen, heard, and respected as a woman of color in workplaces, I’ve had to pay extra attention to this aspect of how I present myself in order to gain respect and be taken seriously. In a nutshell, how we use our bodies matters, and it’s so important for women of color to claim physical space.

Women of color have intersecting identities, and as a result, we are on the receiving end of both gender bias and racial bias. As I’ve said before, the impact of this bias on how we experience the world is real — and because of this, many of us have developed personal strategies for navigating around this reality.

Now you might be thinking, “I’m the one experiencing bias here and, on top of that, it’s on me to take steps to deflect it?!” Having to take proactive steps to shield against bias as a woman of color, feels like adding insult to injury, and I totally get it. In fact, I think often about how shitty it is to experience the burden of the oppressed, a phrase that I first heard from my fellow social justice activist Jeewan Chanicka, and which I think about all the time.

That said, I’ve seen how helpful it’s been to my own career development to actively shield against bias. I’ve found that one of the most effective ways to do this is to consciously and deliberately take up physical space — using body language and body positioning — in ways that assert my power and make others more likely to notice me in a positive way.

Here are a few of the ways that we as women of color can strategically claim physical space in our work lives as a means of standing in our power, being seen, and projecting authority.

Sit in Your Power at Meetings

One of the biases often leveled at women of color is that we’re not seen as being authoritative, and we’re not associated with positions of power. To combat this, when I’m running a meeting, I always try to sit at the head of the table to signal my power in the room.

I also tend to perch on the edge of my chair, lean my body forward, and use expansive/animated arm gestures to command attention and take up more physical space. It also helps me to sit with my spine straight and my shoulders relaxed with my feet flat on the floor (which also has the benefit of promoting deep breathing). (This applies to virtual meetings too!)

If you’re not in a leadership position, consider sitting next to the leader. You’re more likely to be alert and present during the meeting if you sit there, and you’re more likely to be noticed too, since everyone will already be looking in that direction.

When you speak, use your body language to take up physical space — sit up straight, lean forward, and use hand or arm gestures to the degree that feels natural and comfortable for you. All of this helps to signal authority and presence, which ultimately should help you to be taken seriously and viewed as powerful by others.

Use Power Poses for Confidence and Presence

In her research on the effectiveness of power poses, the formidable Amy Cuddy emphasizes that your body changes your mind, your mind changes your behavior, and your behavior changes outcomes. Whether you’re presenting in front of a group, attending an event, or having a discussion with a colleague in the hallway, how you position your body while standing can have a profound impact on how others perceive you — and how powerful you yourself will feel.

In her book Presence (which I refer to in The Authenticity Principle), Cuddy explains how putting yourself into a power position (standing up straight, feet hip-distance apart, facing forward, hands on your hips — think tadasana or “mountain pose” in yoga) will automatically help to decrease cortisol (the stress hormone) and increase testosterone (the confidence hormone), which will help you feel more empowered.

To learn more about how you can use power poses, check out Cuddy’s awesome TED Talk.

Assert Yourself in Groups — Even When It’s Tough

Whenever I am in a group setting, particularly if I’m one of the only women of color, I’m alive to the fact that I may not be seen or heard unless I’m deliberate about it.

I can remember one women’s leadership event I went to that was attended exclusively by white women (and me). At the event, I felt overlooked, ignored, and disrespected by the attendees that I introduced myself to. It was years ago, and I haven’t forgotten the pain of that experience to this day. Unfortunately, this will sound familiar for many women of color.

There may not have been much I could do to overcome the biases present at that event, but in general there are a few things we can do to shield against bias and prevent ourselves from being overlooked in group settings.

Firstly, when you join circles of conversation, don’t hang towards the back — insert yourself assertively, and stand next to the person who’s talking. Next, make sure you speak at least once in the discussion, and when you do, speak loudly enough to be heard.

Don’t hold back in being yourself when you speak — be authentic and let your spirit shine through. If you’re struggling with confidence or nerves in this kind of situation, use the power of self-coaching (positive, encouraging words) to guide yourself through.

Facing the realities of insidious gender and racial bias (and the intersectionality of the two!) is incredibly difficult to withstand. Being overlooked and undervalued hurts, and it feels especially unfair that as women of color we must go to greater lengths to ensure that our voices are heard and our presence is felt.

But at the end of the day, you deserve to live the life that you want and to thrive in your career. And you can by knowing that you are worthy and literally claiming your space.

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Alarming but True — Biased Behavior Will Increase Because of COVID-19 Thu, 16 Jul 2020 13:00:00 +0000 As someone who teaches equity, diversity, and inclusion for a living, I’m worried about the proliferation of biased behavior in the midst of the ongoing global pandemic.

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As someone who teaches equity, diversity, and inclusion for a living, I’m worried about the proliferation of biased behavior in the midst of the ongoing global pandemic.

Because many of us have been sheltering in place for several months — and we’ve been actively encouraged to avoid physical contact with others — the current COVID-19 environment has become the perfect breeding ground for fear, uncertainty, and suspicion of other people, which is exactly what can lead to a rise in bias.

In this video, I explain why in the current moment, with the threat of COVID-19 around us, we might see more people than ever before as a threat, leading to an increase in bias. But I also share how we can overcome our unconscious fears to fight bias during this moment.

Watch now!

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3 Resources to Help You Fight Racism in the Wake of COVID-19 Sun, 15 Mar 2020 12:00:00 +0000

it’s a really difficult time in the world right now. COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is impacting our daily lives and is leaving so many of us feeling shaken and uncertain. If you’re feeling heightened stress right now, know that you’re not the only one.

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Sigh, it’s a really difficult time in the world right now. COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is impacting our daily lives and is leaving so many of us feeling shaken and uncertain. If you’re feeling heightened stress right now, know that you’re not the only one.

Between countries closing their borders, containment areas being identified, major events being cancelled, and our loved ones being quarantined, to say things have been stressful would be an understatement.

For me it has been especially devastating to hear reports about COVID-19-related incidents of racism — in particular, racial bias directed towards people from Asian communities. Many of you have also recognized this and have reached out to ask me and my team what you can do to interrupt the racial bias you’re observing.

Here are three resources that will help you to interrupt racism, act as an ally for targeted communities and manage your stress levels in the current climate (and all are FREE!):

1. My COVID-19 Anti-Racism Tip Sheet

This tip sheet summarizes key strategies and tools that you can use to interrupt all forms of bias, but in particular, COVID-19-related racial bias. (Similarly, my consulting firm bhasin consulting inc. has also developed a session on how to be an ally in interrupting COVID-19-related racism. Please feel free to reach out if you’re interested.)

2. My Worksheets on Interrupting Bias

As you may have heard me say many times before, we are all both hardwired to engage unconscious bias and socialized to engage in bias, which is one of the reasons why biases are so prevalent. I have designed three worksheets to help you identify the biases you may be holding, understand how bias affects you, and learn how to shield against the negative impact of bias.

3. My Empower Page on Committing to a Self-Care Practice

Prioritizing self-care is critical for preventing stress, nurturing your well-being, and taking care of your mind, body, and spirit — all of which will assist you in interrupting racial bias. In particular, self-care will help you to be better positioned to interrupt your biases, to speak out against racist behavior, and to be less activated in managing stress during this time.

Regardless of who you are, this is a stressful time! It’s also a time where hate can proliferate. But we can all contribute to reducing the social harm of COVID-19 by making a conscious effort to be inclusive and to practice anti-racism.

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If You’re Not Black, Don’t Use the N-Word Thu, 20 Feb 2020 17:00:00 +0000 Words affirm power, privilege, and supremacy because they hold historical significance.

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My cousin’s teenage daughter, whom I affectionately call my niece, was recently hanging with some family friends her age when a boy in the group started using the N-word when speaking with another group member, using it like you would use the term “buddy”. Like us, the boy was South Asian, so my niece told him it wasn’t right for him to use the word. He disagreed, saying, “My Black friends don’t mind.”

Knowing that I teach about equity, diversity, and inclusion for a living, the next time she saw me my niece inquisitively asked, “Is it ok for people who aren’t Black to use the N-word?” It took me less than a millisecond to respond — “No!”

Hearing this story, you might be thinking, “Oh, this can’t be happening!” Unfortunately, I continue to hear that the N-word is constantly being used across the South Asian community and other communities who are not Black — communities that should know better and would vehemently tell you that they’re not racist.

I’ve had enough of hearing paltry excuses and “explanations” from people about this. In the spirit of allyship and fighting against anti-Black racism, I want to use my voice to speak out about the use of the N-word.

In this video, I talk about how no one — other than someone who is Black — should use the N-word. It’s flat out wrong. Why? I spell this out in my video.

If this feels unfair to you, I urge you to hear me out. Watch the video to learn the reasons why you shouldn’t use the N-word if you’re not Black.

Watch now!

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The 3 Things That Happen With Bias — And What to Do About Them Thu, 30 Jan 2020 15:39:20 +0000 There is a lot of talk lately about bias tied to cultural identities like race and gender — but for many people, it’s unclear what bias is, how it works, and where it shows up.

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There’s a lot of talk lately about bias tied to cultural identities like race/ethnoculture and gender identity, but there’s also continued confusion about what bias is, how it works, and where it shows up.

So what is bias?

Simply put, bias refers to the mental shortcuts our brains take in decision-making. These mental shortcuts impact the way we treat others — especially people who our brains have unconsciously decided are not like us because of the way they look, speak, behave, and more.

We are all hardwired to engage in bias, which means that there are three things that happen with bias (and they happen to everyone): we dish it out, we receive it, and we internalize it.

In this video, I take a deep dive into the three things that happen with bias and talk about how our ability to interrupt bias can affect how inclusive, authentic, happy, and even successful we are.

Watch now!

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4 Ways I’m Underestimated as a Woman of Color Sun, 24 Nov 2019 13:00:00 +0000 Racism is real, and it seems as though now more than ever before it’s being called out in the public sphere. The unfortunate truth for people of color is that what we’re finally seeing discussed in the mainstream just affirms what we already know is true

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Racism is real. From the recent report on the increase in hate crimes to the El Paso shooting to being arrested for waiting at Starbucks as a black man, it’s clear that the sting of racism infiltrates all aspects of our society.

As people of color and Indigenous peoples, white supremacy and racism show up constantly in our everyday lives and permeate everything we do. Sometimes the racism feels very direct, like violence or a state-sanctioned violation of our rights. But often it’s far less overt, which can make it more insidious.

One way that racism consistently shows up for me as a brown woman is in constantly being underestimated. (I note that, for me, the intersection of race/ethnoculture and gender has an amplifying effect on the racism coming my way — the racism I experience is often sexist, and the sexism I experience is often racist.) When I was younger and people signaled that they didn’t believe in my value, I would question my own behavior (which I discuss in my book). But now I have crystal clarity about how racial bias — and what may at first appear to be simple acts of disrespect — impacts how I’m treated.

Here are a few examples of how I’m underestimated as a woman of color.

“Are you supposed to be here?”

I travel a lot for work and find myself spending a lot of time in transit with fancy business types — mostly older white men, and very few people who look like me. Because I fly so often, I’ve racked up a high frequent flyer status with my favorite airline, which allows me to be at the front of the line for boarding. I can’t tell you how many times I have been asked (by fellow passengers, usually trying to butt in line) to confirm that I’m in the correct line for boarding. Often I’m met with confusion by people who assume, at first glance, that I couldn’t possibly be in Zone 1 of the plane.

This happens to me a few times a month, and every time I ask myself why I’m experiencing this type of questioning behavior when others in the same line are not. The fact is, these experiences tie back to judgments made about me as a brown-skinned woman. The people in these encounters underestimate me, assuming that, as a woman of color, I couldn’t be “fancy” enough or “important” enough to board first.

“Are you really worth this much?”

In my work as a global speaker on leadership and diversity, my abilities, level of excellence, and value are often blatantly underestimated. Frequently, people will come up to me after a presentation and say some version of, “I wasn’t expecting much from this presentation, but you really surprised me. You were amazing!” Which leads me to wonder: Why did you assume my presentation wouldn’t be of high quality?

I’m also frequently challenged on my pricing, particularly by new clients. A while back, I had a first-time client literally yell at me over the phone, saying, “Are you kidding me? You’re trying to charge the same rate as investment bankers on Bay Street (Canada’s Wall Street)!” Because I had already signed the agreement, I proceeded with the work. After my presentation, this same individual came up to me and said, “Now I understand why you charge what you do. That was excellent.”

It often feels like, as a woman of color, my credentials and CV are simply not enough to prove my value as a professional. I’m constantly having to “re-audition” for a role that I’ve been an expert in for years now, decades into my career. I know that being questioned in this way is not the norm for similarly qualified, or even less qualified, white men in my field. Again, when it comes to my work, I’m being underestimated because of others’ biases.

“People don’t care what you have to say.”

When I launched my book The Authenticity Principle in 2017, I hired a (white, cisgender woman) publicist to help land media coverage. She pitched the book, which reveals my experiences with bias at work and how to interrupt these types of experiences, to a mainstream TV program. At first the producers, with whom she’d worked often, avoided her messages. After persisting, she was finally told outright that the topic was “too provocative” for them to cover.

Upon getting this news, my publicist was shocked — she’d never been treated like this by a network, and she rightly identified it as racism, which was very upsetting for her. She couldn’t believe that a topic that is highly relevant among people of color could be considered too provocative for a mainstream TV program that regularly covers cutting-edge topics, and whose audience is drawn from a huge multi-cultural city.

I, on the other hand, was not surprised. I knew that it would be an uphill battle to get mainstream coverage as a woman of color — despite the media’s refrain that it wants more diversity but can’t find it.

“Are you really good enough?”

A while back, I was put forward for a leadership speaker’s series at a top institution by an esteemed leader there who knows my work well. Right away it became clear that the event director perceived this as a favor and assumed that I wasn’t qualified to be featured at an event. He immediately scheduled me into a bad time slot — a Friday afternoon in the summer — knowing that most of their usual audience would be unavailable.

As soon as I saw his email with the time it was scheduled, I knew that he expected very little of my talk — both the quality and potential turnout. Of course, I wrote back to advocate for a prime time slot, because I know my value and there was no way I was going to do the event without one.

Yet again, I was underestimated. Despite being endorsed by a well-respected leader in the organization — and despite the fact that I’m a professional speaker who does nearly 100 gigs per year — the event director (wrongly!) assumed that nobody would want to attend my event.

It’s Not in My Imagination

Some people who don’t regularly experience racism may argue that there are factors besides race/ethnoculture and gender at play in these experiences. They’ll say it’s because people are just jerks. Or maybe it’s an age thing. Maybe someone was just having a bad day. Maybe you’re reading into it. Or perhaps you’re just too sensitive.

But when I recount these stories to other women of color, they know exactly what I mean, because they too have experienced the intersection of racism and sexism.

We live in a society entrenched in misogyny and white supremacy, and it does show up in our lived experiences. It’s critical that we recognize this for what it is and keep sharing our stories to help others understand the hurt, the exhaustion, and the setbacks that result from our experiences.

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