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Stand In Your Power


As part of your empowerment journey, it’s vital that you recognize and disrupt the internal and external barriers that are getting in the way of your happiness, growth, and success. In these blogs and videos, you’ll explore how to overcome the barriers that are in your way to experiencing belonging — whether they’re internal, interpersonal, or societal — so you can feel more empowered and like you belong.

Ritu Bhasin wearing a white and black patterned dress sitting on a grey sofa, facing the camera with her hands placed in her lap.

If you have a name that’s hard to pronounce, you’ve probably gotten used to others saying it incorrectly. Maybe you’ve even changed your name to make it easier for other people. But just because you’re used to the constant mispronunciations doesn’t mean you should be okay with it.

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to yourself!

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